Magnolia Magic

Magnolia Magic

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Hey mama do you know about the magnolia magic?

Not only does it smell amazing, but it’s calming, relaxing, and helpful for easing anxious feelings, especially in pregnancy. It’s also a beautiful oil for postpartum emotional health. 

Magnolia soothes menstrual discomforts. It supports hormonal balance. It eases anxious feelings. Apply it on your low back to support and nourish your adrenal glands. Great to calm a wiggly anxious baby. Did you know that Magnolia has the highest levels of linalool seen in any essential oil? That’s almost 2 and ½ times as much as lavender! Which is generally regarded as the most calming soothing oil that we have. Yes, this will be your new best friend for a fussy baby!

Magnolia is also known as the oil of compassion. It connects you to your Divine Being. It creates unconditional love towards yourself and starts a chain reaction throughout your day of checking in. So you can make decisions that are honoring and respecting of yourself.

Magnolia can be used aromatically by just rubbing it in your hands, rubbing them together and inhaling. To use it topically apply it over the center of your chest, like your heart center, the crown of your head and your low back. I use it on my low back everyday to support my adrenals.

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The Essential Midwife Academy is the premier training for moms, birth coaches, doulas, midwives, and birth workers. The academy gives you everything you need to succeed.

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I am a speaker and author of 3 ebooks and 2 books, including my newest, Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth & Babies (second edition).

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I travel all over teaching about using essential oils safely throughout pregnancy and with your babies. I’d love to help you get started on your essential oil journey with dōTERRA.

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