Round Ligaments

Hey Mama, we’re going to talk about round low line ligaments. Raise your hand if you know what I’m talking about. You might also know them as round ligaments. In your first trimester your low round ligaments are as small as your pinky finger, but by the third trimester they have stretched to the length of a pencil and they are as skinny as a pencil lead. So no wonder just rolling over in bed to pick up something will cause discomfort! Round ligament support Here is your blend for that, layer the following. 

Round Ligament Support Blend

AromaTouch, It’s a blend for healing circulation and supporting circulation.

Siberian Fir for discomfort.

Lemongrass to help support those ligaments.

Dilute in fractionated coconut oil. 

Apply right on your lower ligaments. They are the lowest part of your belly, on both sides of your belly. And their ligaments just go up. Again in the third trimester they are as skinny as that pencil lead and as long as a pencil. So you can just imagine and picture where they are. I don’t recommend making a whole roller bottle blend of this because you probably won’t need it that much. Just take a couple drops of each of these oils, put them in your hand, and squirt some fractionated coconut oil in there, rub it together and apply that on both areas of your round ligaments, you probably only have one that brings discomfort at a time, but you can apply to both sides.

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The Essential Midwife Academy is the premier training for moms, birth coaches, doulas, midwives, and birth workers. The academy gives you everything you need to succeed.

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I am a speaker and author of 3 ebooks and 2 books, including my newest, Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth & Babies (second edition).

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