What exactly is EDD?

what exactly is edd?

Hey Mama, let’s talk about due dates for a minute. Probably the most asked question when you first see your doc or midwife after the magical 2 blue lines appear on that stick is, when am I due? After spinning my handy dandy pregnancy wheel I throw out an estimated due date. Keep in mind “estimate” is the key word. Your doc or midwife gives you an estimated due date and the focus on it sometimes causes nothing but disappointment, as many women go over that date or you might be caught off guard when your baby comes sooner than that date. Most moms don’t really know the exact day they ovulate and the sonogram you get is very subjective and still is a guess. Then there’s the fact that each of our bodies and babies are different from each other. So that estimated due date could be a week or two off. Full term is considered to be 37-42 weeks. I think only 4% of babies are actually born on their due date. One study showed that women who go into labor naturally around 64% of babies are born between 39 and 41 weeks. 13% are born in the 30th week and 6% are born in the 37th week. 3% in the 36 week and only 2% at 42 weeks and over and probably because your doc won’t let you go over that far. The remaining 12% are born preterm, that is earlier than 36 weeks. So did you go into labor naturally and give birth on your due date or were you way off like some of us? With my first pregnancy I was a week off, with my second I was 2 weeks off, with my 3rd baby I was 3 weeks off! Then I got it right with my 4th baby, but those dates when they came and went were very disappointing! So how is that for you, I want to hear about that.

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