NICU Moms Part 2

NICU Moms Part 2
After what seems like forever, the moment you’ve been waiting for, you finally get to hold your baby. It takes 4 or 5 nurses to maneuver all the wire, all of the tubing to place them in your arms skin to skin. You are in a place of pure joy and gratitude, with tears streaming, putting him back in that isolate and going home for the night seems impossible. You’re leaving a part of your heart there. You feel guilty and sad and tears flow all of the way home, but you pull yourself together before going in the house to greet the rest of your family. Pumping, pumping, pumping, it seems like you barely get your pumping tools put away just to get them out again. It’s hard, it’s hard work! You don’t want to do this anymore, you’re tired, but you know it’s worth it. You want your baby to get the antibodies that come through your breast milk and you want to support his little immune system with your milk that is liquid gold. I know it is really hard, especially throughout the night. Setting your alarm to pump throughout the night. You are faced with life and death everyday and the emotions around that can be overwhelming, no one understands, people say things that won’t help the situation. Most of them mean well, but they just don’t understand unless they’ve been there. I want you to know that I get it, whenever you feel overwhelmed, alone, scared, I’m here. When you hit that wall and think you just can’t do it another day, reach out to me, or someone else who has gone through this. I love you! I support you! I will cry with you. I’ll be your cheerleader, you’ve got this mama, you’ve got this. So I created an oil blend that can be especially helpful during this time of stress. Sometimes when you are stressed you don’t produce enough milk or as much milk as you would like to, so this is my milk maker blend.
Milk Maker Blend
2 Geranium
5 Clary Sage
5 Copaiba
3 Basil
3 Fennel
2 Lavender
2 Roman Chamomile
Put in a 10 mL roller bottle and fill to the top with fractionated coconut oil.
Apply this on your breasts, avoiding your nipples 2 to 3 times a day. You should only need this for 3-5 days to increase and then save it again for when your baby has a growth spurt and you need to make a little more milk. Hopefully that will help you get a little bit on top of that milk supply so that you have enough to save and to feed your baby. When you get to feed him through the breast.
Essentials Midwife Acacemy

The Essential Midwife Academy is the premier training for moms, birth coaches, doulas, midwives, and birth workers. The academy gives you everything you need to succeed.
I am a speaker and author of 3 ebooks and 2 books, including my newest, Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth & Babies (second edition).
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I travel all over teaching about using essential oils safely throughout pregnancy and with your babies. I’d love to help you get started on your essential oil journey with dōTERRA.
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