Use Your B.R.A.I.N

If you’ve ever been pregnant, I’m sure you’ve experienced a bit of “Pregnancy Brain.”

Throughout pregnancy, you read everything you can get your hands on to have the best experience you can and create the perfect birth plan, but there’s one problem, you can’t remember half of what you read. In normal life, you could be one who has a photogenic memory, but in pregnancy, you can’t remember what you just walked into the room for.

This is one of my favorite acronyms to share with mamas. No matter how bad pregnancy brain is for them, this is something that is EASY to remember and a great tool to have in your birth bag.

The acronym is B.R.A.I.N. Throughout pregnancy, you will be faced with all sorts of questions and what the best protocols are, what to do for this situation and what tests to avoid and what to agree to for your best outcome. This tool is meant to empower you to be a FULL participant in your birth plan. 

When something is presented to you during pregnancy, birth, or postpartum you ALWAYS have a choice. You never have to do anything you don’t want to do or what doesn’t feel safe.

You can ALWAYS decline, ask for more time, more information, what are the risks/benefits or not do anything.

The B.R.A.I.N acronym is a great tool to help make informed decisions you may be presented with.

Benefits: what are the benefits to doing this?

Risks: what are the for real risks associated with this decision?

Alternatives: are there any alternatives what are other options?

Intuition: what is your gut telling you?

Nothing: what if we do nothing or wait and revisit later?

Take charge of your birth and use your B.R.A.I.N!

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